Thanks to Nearly Natural Nails (Jess) for giving me this nomination for my dragonfly nails.
The Rules:
- Nominate 15 fellow bloggers.
- Let them know that you have nominated them.
- Share 7 random facts about yourself.
- Thank the blogger who nominated you.
- Add the Versatile Blogger Award picture to your blog post
I have nominated the following AMAZING nail designers who provide me with inspiration.....
1) 10 Blank Canvases I was crushed this did not win the dotting tool competition
2) __Nail Rookie__ So simple but my first spring inspiration. Love the color and DOTS!!!
3) A Little Polish Runway challenge....LOVE LOVE LOVE these colors together.
4) A Plethora of Nails Aside from having great mani's, Bethany gave me a few great ideas with this post.
5) Dressed up Digits Loved this, not to mention her gradients are perfection.
6) Kelsie's Nail Files Amazing. This is on my short list to try.
7) Love Life Lacquer Love these colors and the creative patterns.
8) MissAdelinne Her mani's are fantastic but the photographic presentation puts it over the top.
9) MixedMama Water marbling at it's best... I kind of wished she had done more St. Paddy's Day designs because I was loving them all.
10) My Nail Polish Addiction Really lovely gradient in pastel. Super for spring.
11) My Polished Nails OMG, someday when I gain enough talent....I am Totally copying this!!!!
12) Neues vom Kellerkind Never seen anything like this. She has amazing talent and is so artistic.
13) Quite Polished Another idea for my short list. Love that she is a great educator. Very creative!!
14) Amber Did It Oh, the Trapper Keeper. What memories...amazing gradient too!!
15) Tin Roof Nails Amazing stamping. Very clean and pretty pattern.
7 Things about me:
1) I have two pugs, Elmer and Roxy.
2) I teach group fitness at a nearby gym, chisel, spinning, tabata, soon to teach step I hope.
3) I used to bite my nails up until about a year ago.
4) I am somewhat obsessed with reality TV.
5) I get impatient sitting through movies but can take three hours completely focused when doing a mani.
6) I am obsessed with gel polish right now. Even if it is just as a base to design over (it is keeping my nails long)
7) My happy place is sitting on the patio in the summer with a glass of wine.
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