
Monday, April 30, 2012

Nail Polish Tag

I was tagged by the lovely Hema at Rainbow nails.  She gave me some questions related to polish to answer..........

What's your favorite nail polish company?
For regular polish-I don't have a favorite brand.  I only care about the color. For gel polish-hands down...Gelish!!  Because it offers the most color variety.

Glitter or no glitter?
Glitter....Glitter....Glitter.  Never too much of it!!!

OPI, China Glaze, or Essie?
I have plenty of OPI and China Glaze but I do not own one single Essie.  I feel almost ashamed to write this.

When do you change your nail polish?
As often as I am able to.  Sometimes, three times in a day, sometimes once a week.  Depends on what life delivers me.

What's your favourite colour on your nails?

Darks or brights?
Both.  I try to steer clear of brights during the week, especially if it involves nail art.  My job requires that I be somewhat conservative.  I usually wear darker colors.

What are you wearing on your nails right this moment?
Water Marbling consisting of three super bright colors.  Color Club and China Glaze.  Haven't blogged about it yet so I am keeping it a secret.

Matte nails in or out?
Definitely in by looking at the blogging world but not really my thing.  I am going to keep at it though.  I do see some I like every now and again.
French Manicure?
I love a great french manicure.  I also like a unique takes on the traditional french manicure, like glitter tips.

Favourite summer colours?
If I didn't work where I was....neons.  So I save them for the weekends. :)

TAG ANOTHER POLISH LOVER: I tag Ducky from I Love Pretty Colors....can't wait to see what she has to say.

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