
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Contest Entry-Dots and pugs

I prefer to do everything last minute.  Marta from Chit Chat Nails is having a contest and the entries are due at midnight.  You have to do a dotticure and take a picture holding something unusual.  Unusual always peaks my interest, as you know.  Well, if you know me, you know what I picked......

Elmer volunteered once he learned there was bologna involved.  Cute accessory right???  This is Milani White on the Spot and Zoya Tallulah and Zoya Sara.  Here is what the whole thing looked like up close, along with the thumb...

If you don't follow Marta, you should.  Her photos are fantastic.  It is totally different from most other blogs.


  1. I love. That you made Elmer your prop!!!

  2. He's cute! reminds me of my neighbor's pugs, Blue and Bella :)

  3. Cute dotticure, but Elmer steals the show LOL - I love pugs, even bred a few litters. My definition of a pug: They are aliens from a very friendly planet, they try to invade us so that each person has his or her own pug - this way wars would stop completely, we would be too busy smiling and laughing because of our pugs :)

  4. Hahaha, I love the way Elmer looks! How absolutely adorable, and what a great pick for an accessory!

  5. Really cute dotticure! I'm eagerly awaiting my set of dotters so I can start dotting away!

  6. That reminds me of my mani yesterday, I should've chose 2 colors for the dots. Love dots they're always cute.

  7. I was totally going to vote for Elmer as the best prop but for some reason the contest entry form says I already voted (I didn't!). Hopefully I'm not the only one this happened to and Marta will get it figured out so I can cast my vote! You have a new follower anyway! :)
