
Sunday, September 2, 2012

300 Follower Indie Giveaway

I would not have believed it if you told me I would reach 300 followers.  I have had great fun with this little hobby.  I decided what I would do here is a giveaway of Indie polishes.  I have really grown to love them and I realized over time that I am not a huge lover of minis.  The bottles are so tiny and hard to get my hands on.  However, I feel it's a great opportunity to try out new colors and if you are new to Indies, you can try some amazing polishes. OCD is somewhat bothered by the bottle size in comparison to the others on my shelf.  :)

Here are the rules:
  • Enter using the Rafflecopter Widget below.
  • There will be only one winner
  • International followers are included
  • You may not complain about the items.  I have never used them for more than opening the bottles to eyeball them.  Some I loved and have since ordered full size bottles and others just didn't suit me.  If they have sinking, bleeding or curling glitters with rusty balls.....give them to a friend's tween or your own tween.  (Sorry, I couldn't resist...if that didn't make sense, you aren't an Indie lover yet)
  • You may enter through September 10, 2012.

Here is a pic of the items:

Pretty & Polished:
  • Bayou Blitz
  • Peace Camp
  • Jawbreaker
  • PHAT Camp
  • Tart
  • Forgery

Amy's Nail Boutique:
  • Preppy
  • Party Bus
  • Sophie
  • Pink Lemonade

Utopia's Polish
  • Teal We Meet Again
  • Periwinkle

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I am unknown with Indie polished so I really dont know what my favorite brand would be but thes the more i want to win thiss!
    Thank for giving a giveaway and congrats with your 300 followers!
    I enjoy reading your blog !

  2. I don't own an indie brand for now but I have one bottle that's coming on my mail maybe next week from Lush Lacquer I actually won that bottle of my choice from The Painted Pony's giveaway so I'm looking forward to swatch it.

  3. What a great giveaway, thanks for hosting this.
    I find it difficult to name just one indie brand, but Lilaquer, Pirate Polish and The nail Junkie are brands, that I love...

    1. I need to add that I don't have any of the brands in this giveaway, but I spot several in the line up, that I would looove to have LOL

  4. I love all the swatches of Candeo Colors I saw online

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I think my favourite is Pretty and Polished! Because that was my first indie order!

  7. Great giveaway! My favorite indie is Nerdlacquer.

  8. Sue! <3

    F4 is my favorite non-lab indie. Favorite lab indie is ManGlaze. I know, I cheated by doing two but you know me, I never follow the rules totally! ;)

  9. never really tried indie brands, but pretty and polished has some really nice colors!

  10. I've only tried a few Indie brands- Shimmer, F4, and JENsations. I love them all because of the attention to detail they put into all of their polishes! I'd love to try P&P!

  11. thats so good!!! congrats on reaching 300, your giveaway is awesome!!!
    For now i haven't tried any Indie polishes, but for quite sometime now i have been drooling over Pretty n Polished!!

  12. Aphrodite Lacquers is my favorite! AMAZING giveaway Sue!!

  13. I don't have any indie nail polish, but I think Ninja polish has great shades (I love Floam).

  14. It's hard to pick but I think my favorite Indie Brand is Lush Lacquer or Daring Digits!

  15. I dont own any indie polishes but ive been drooling over many brands like candeo,pretty polished .thanks for hosting the giveaway.

  16. I've only tried Pretty and Polished and I like it!
    Also, I loved many swatches of KBShimmer, Shimmer, Hare, Nerdlacquer...

  17. I haven't tried any Indie polishes yet, so I couldn't pick a favourite brand! This'd be perfect to get me started :) Congrats on all the followers!

  18. I love Shimmer and does a england count? because i love them haha!

  19. I haven't looked that much into indie brands so I'm able to pick a favourite yet, but Daring Digits appeals to me, as well as Red Carpet Lacquer. :)

  20. I'm not really familiar with indie polishes/indie brands, so I don't have a favorite (yet) ;)
    congrats with your 300 followers! I can only dream of such a great number

  21. I love your blog Sue - it's always bright, colourful and cheery. It's a good place to be. This is an amazing Giveaway !! fave indie ..... ermmmmmmm ...... er ..... right now, KBShimmer, but it changes by the bottle xxx

  22. My current favorite for indie polish is Jindie Nails. They're so full of glitter and sparkle, I love it! Congrats on 300!!

  23. I don't own any indie polishes so this would be something new to me :]

  24. I am really loving Lush Lacquer these days but there are soooo many awesome indies!

  25. My favorite is definitely Whimsical Ideas by Pam. I would own all of her colors if I could afford it!

  26. Of the Indie brands I own I'd have to say Rainbow Honey xo

  27. Wow, such an awesome give away! I've been coveting some of those Pretty and Polished indie's you're giving away and I would love to win! Thanks for the opportunity : )

  28. Nerdlacquer!!!amazing giceaway...thank you...

  29. my favorite indie polish is candy lacquer chick flick

  30. oh thts a big fat giveaway :).... to be honest i recently started using indie polishes but i saw lots of swatches on all over the blog world and i must say i like d pretty polish collection very much :)...congos on ur 300 followers :)

  31. Congrats!! What a great giveaway you are hosting! So many great indies you have there :D

  32. i really want to try rainbow honey polish and lush lacquer!

  33. I haven't bought any indie polishes yet. So I don't have a favorite yet.
    Thank you for this Giveaway!

  34. i don't know if i have a favorite, i've only tried a few. i have rainbow polish, candy lacquer, pretty and polished, cult nails & lynnderella and i love them all!

  35. Thanks for holding this. I really love whimsical ideas by pam polishes!

  36. pretty and polished has some sweet looking polishes! love the look of jawbreaker!

  37. From the ones I own Nail Pattern Boldness...The ones I want Whimsical Ideas and Pretty and polished. Thanks for the chance!

  38. New follower, new to indie polish & hoping to win! ^_^

  39. If I had to pick my absolute favorite indie brand, it would be The Hungry Asian. She is so sweet and so very creative. Nice giveaway!

  40. This is a fabulous giveaway!! Pretty & Polished is definately one of my faves! I also love Rainbow Polish and Naild It Unique Nail Lacquer

  41. New follower, new to indie polish & hoping to win! ^_^

  42. New follower, new to indie polish & hoping to win! ^_^

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. I liked Girly Bits' polishes! :)

  45. New Follower!
    Great blog and awesome giveaway!
    I don't have any Indie polishes as of it but if I won this I would love every single one.

  46. If you asked me this before, I would have said Pretty and Polished. But ever since F4 surprised me on my 21st birthday and P&P began supplying Llarowe, I would have to say that F4 is totally my favorite!! I love all of the polishes I've tried on and their customer service is impeccable to boot.

  47. So far, Dollish Polish has been my favorite, but I LOVE trying new indies :]

  48. i dont have a favorite because i dont have any indies yet

  49. I don't own any but I want some!! I have seen some swatches and I've been loving Lynnderella.

  50. Don't really have a fave. Too many great ones!

  51. Pretty and Polished would be my fave.

  52. I like lynderrella ( would never buy too expensive )

  53. I have so many favs...I was going to say Dollish, but my stash size is going to have to be Pretty and Polished

  54. Only own one Indie mini from enkelini.

  55. My fav(atm) is Pretty and Polished.

  56. Congrats on 300! You defs deserve it. Crossing my fingers and thanks for the great giveaway =)

    I think my favourite indie brand is Rainbow Honey! I ordered the entire Equestria collection in minis and I am STILL DYING to give them the attention they deserve.

  57. I have a thing for Pretty & Polished polish. I love all of the indie's I've tried though. D&R Apothecary is pretty awesome too!

  58. I always drool over different dimension polishes and am awaiting my first indie order from 365 colors

  59. Nerd Lacquer! I know she doesn't sell anymore so I will say KBShimmer or F4 Polish instead :P

  60. Once Upon a Polish. It's hard to narrow it down to just one!

  61. Girly bits... I think, I hardly have any indies

  62. I don't really have the funds to dive into the Indie world, but I think that Whimsical Ideas by Pam have the cutest bottles and love all of the names from Sonoma Nail Art because I'm from the same area! This really is a great giveaway you are generously offering--thank you!

  63. So far I tried only Lush Lacquer so I think that's my favorite! ;) Pretty & Polished PHAT Camp looks amazing :)

  64. i've never tried an indie brand but i've seen so many gorgeous swatches from pretty and polished! :D

  65. I really like Pirate Polish (down the rabbit hole is awesome!)

  66. Gorgeous giveaway. I never tried an Indie brand, I just saw other bloggers swatches and I like it a few!

  67. I can't choose just one!! I love so many indies... 365 Days of Color, Pretty and Polished, Pam's Girly Bits, KBShimmer, and lots more!! ♥

  68. I do not own any Indies and would love to start my own collection of them!!!

  69. I've never bought an indie, so I guess my favorite would have to be my own!

  70. pretty & polished and kbshimmer

  71. My favorite Indies (can not just pick one) Naild'it, Candy Lacquer, Pretty and Polished. LOL @ your complaining clause added :)

  72. I only have 1 in possession so far, but should be getting more soon. So not really enough to have a favorite yet :)

  73. I really love Pretty & Polished!

  74. I don't own any indies....yet. I've loved what I've seen from Lush Lacquer and KBShimmer though. I need to get my hands on those!

  75. I haven't tried many but of the few I have tried so far I'm loving Shimmer Polish, though I'd love to try more (of course!) :D

  76. I think my current favorite is either KB Shimmer or Maisie Shine!

  77. i really love Lynnderella and a England!

  78. i haven't try any of indie polishes so i don't have a favorite indie brand... but it would be great to win this and try some of it ;-D
    congrats on so many followers, i'm glad i'm one of them cause you always have cool manicures :-D

  79. I don't really have an favorite indie brand. =S
    I just love nail polish ^^

  80. I don't have any indie brands yet... But I think the Pretty & Polished line is to die for!

  81. I think Pretty & Polished is my favorite, but I love 365 Days of Color too!

  82. your nail arts are fabulous.
    btw nice giveaway:)

  83. cult nails is my fav indie brand

  84. Of the indies I own, I love Pretty & Polished and Pahlish!!

  85. I'm pretty new to indies, but Girly Bits and Dollish Polish sort of stand out for me right now :P

  86. LOVING THIS!!! Thanks for this AMAZING giveaway! Girly Bits, KBShimmer and Pam's whimsical are a few favorites of mine!

  87. Rainbow Honey is definitely my favorite but they're all wonderful, really.

  88. Fantastic giveaway..

    Right now I would have to say my favorite indie is Serum N°5

  89. I actually do not own any as of yet but I actually love all the varietys and unique colours of them all

  90. Pretty & Polished is one of my favs :)

  91. So far my favorite has been Girly Bits.

  92. I love A England!!!! Thank you for the giveaway!!!

  93. Pretty & Polished! Though I dont own any yet, theyre so pretty!

  94. I don't own any Indies but from what I've seen and read around the blogs, I'd say Girly Bits is my cup of Indie!

  95. Currently its a tie between Rainbow Honey and Dollish Polish!

  96. I'm not lucky enough to own any indies yet, but I lust over Pretty and Polished's Jawbreaker, so I'd love to win this!

  97. I like a few but to name some are pretty & polished and Girly Bits!

  98. It's a toss-up between Pam's Whimsical and KBShimmer!

  99. Pretty and Polished, Candeo, Dollish Polish!

  100. i guess whimsical ideas by pam idk!! so many greats

  101. This is awesome! Half of these polishes are on my lemming list. I love Girly Bits, KB Shimmer, Sonoma Nail Art and sooooo many more! Awesome giveaway!

  102. candeo is so far my fav indie brand :)

  103. I love whimsical ideas by pam!

    Ashley Atkinson

  104. Just got my first indie polish. Whimsical ideas by Pam, so I suppose thats my favorite!!! But there are tons more I want to try! Think its hilarious how the rules say the winner cant complain!!! HAHAHAH!

  105. My favorite indie brand is Rainbow Honey or Whimsical Idead by Pam!

  106. Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! Im a big fan of Dollish Polish and Kawaii Nail Lacquer!

  107. I love Whimsical Ideas by Pam she is so creative :)

  108. My favorite indie maker is Anni from Vivid Lacquer, and I really like all my polishes from her, but I fell hard for the Enchanted Polish that I recently bought. Thanks for this lovely giveaway (and for your RL work.)

  109. What an amazing giveaway ! My favorite is Enchanted Polish. I never try Pretty & Polished but they looks so pretty !

  110. I always LOVE the look of Pretty & Polished. I bought my first one last night - Punk'd Up Betty! I can't wait for it to come in the mail!!

  111. My favorite indie maker would have to be Pretty and Polished! Thanks for this awesome giveaway Sue! <3

  112. I like Whimsical Nail Polish by Pam, but I don't know many indie polish makers.

  113. I haven't tried any indie brands jet, but I do like Lush Lacquer polishes a lot =).
    Last week I was also looking at some Penelope Luz swatches and she makes amazing polishes too =)
    Indie polishes really rock =)

    Than you for having this giveaway. I'm currently having a giveaway on my blog, it's not as generous as yours, but a little something for my dear readers =)

  114. I don't have any yet!
    But these all look gorgeous

  115. I don't know many indie brands yet, I'd love to though, and this would be a great way to start!

  116. i dont have indie brands yet, but ilove nail polish!!!!

  117. My favorite is KBShimmer! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  118. I'm just learning about these brands thanks to your blog, but I love Sommemarium.

  119. Hi,
    I don't own an indie brand , so sorry !

  120. I have yet to buy an indie brand, but sometime soon I will be ordering a few that I have fallen absolutely in love with online like Dandy Nails Colorblind2 when she makes it again. I would LOVE to get my hands on this BEAUTIFUL collection you are giving away. <3

  121. Congrats & thanks for such an AWESOME giveaway!! Fav indie maker would be NailVenterous....Love that floam!!

  122. I personally do not own any indie polish, yet, but I admire the swatches I see on my favorite blogs :) I love Nail-Venturous & KBShimmer!

  123. So far, my favorite Indie brand is Pretty&Polished!I haven't tried many others, but yeah!

  124. This comment has been removed by the author.

  125. i dont really know about indie polish, but i would love to try!
    congrats for the achievement and thanks for the giveaway ^^

  126. I don't own any indie polishes unfortunately, but I like the look of Pretty and Polished.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  127. my favorite Indie brand nail polish right now is Rainbow Honeys :) And thank you for hosting this awesome giveaway :D

  128. I've never owned an Indie brand polish :(
    But I love the look of Picture Polishes - are they indie?
    Thanks so much for the giveaway :)

  129. My fav is Pretty and Polished. Awesome giveaway....keeping my fingers crossed.

  130. doltish polish expecto patronum is the color I love but don't own.. Fav brand would have to be P&P!

  131. I'm a virgin Indie buyer. I really need to own some xx
