
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I finally caved and got a facebook page

I resisted this for quite some time.  I feel that not many people really comment much anymore on the blog as they once did in the past.  I am guilty of this myself.  It is a lot easier for me to comment on Facebook and I like interacting with bloggers and learning more about them.  You can't really do that with the blogs. 

I recently was talked into Instagram and I do love it.  I'm finding, however, that I only post the stuff I really love the most on there.  So?  What is the best approach?  I decided that I would continue to blog since I really love it and it's a great way to document what is going on in my life at the same time.  I will continue to do all my challenges on the blog.  I always stay in at least two at once.  Right now I am juggling three.  I will post day to day stuff on Facebook and the stuff I really love will be reserved for Instagram.  All of this is subject to change.  We will call it a work in progress. 

In the meantime, you can still find me here at least 14 times a month.  Four weekly challenges with The Nail Challenge Collaborative.  Four weekly challenges with my East Coast crew on Facebook and five posts monthly with The Digit-al Dozen.  You can follow me on Instagram at Creativenaildesignbysue and on Facebook at Creative Nail Design By Sue.  Check me out and follow me so I don't feel like I am talking to myself.


  1. I'll go follow you on Facebook then :)

  2. I used to have a Facebook page, but then I experienced that a company "bought" some of my photos - but not from me. In the terms and conditions it says that FB is allowed to sell our photos to third parties - and I'm not on Instagram, but I have heard rumors that it's the same...

  3. Yeah, see you on Facebook! Just kidding! Anyway, we’re still here whether it’ll be on Facebook or on blog. I just can’t wait to see more of your creative nail art designs. Hope you’re having a grand and cool time designing more nail arts! Just don’t forget to share! See ya!

    My Website: Professional Doctorate
